28–30 June 2023, Bordeaux Universités
Body Technics, Martial Arts and Combat Sports: from the Everyday to the Olympics and Paralympics
16th Annual JORRESCAM Conference
This year, the annual JORRESCAM Conference takes place in collaboration with the Martial Arts Studies Research Network, and papers can be given in one (or more) of three languages: French, English and Spanish.
Bordeaux Campus of Pessac
From now on, follow the news of the colloquium on this LinkedIn page (open access with and without account): https://fr.linkedin.com/company/mas-16jorrescam/
contact@jorrescam.com and https://fr.linkedin.com/company/mas-16jorrescam/
Call for Papers
[en français | en español]
The themes of bodily training, discipline, technics, habits, and other embodied practices in the production of subjects and social institutions have become important interdisciplinary themes across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities in recent decades.
In this conference, we want to bring together scholars from as many academic fields and other research areas as possible to exchange ideas, arguments, hypotheses, theories, methodologies, research and results in the fields of martial arts and combat sports, on the themes of body techniques as well as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, from their daily everyday realms of hobbies and lifestyle, all the way through to the realms of elite competition.
We invite 300-word abstracts for 20-minute papers that engage with issues of body technics, martial arts and combat sports, from any scientific field of research – such as the social sciences, physiology, philosophy, history, biomechanics, humanities, management, as well as theoretical or epistemological considerations.
NB: Our two core conference themes are body technics and the Olympics, as well as the Paralympics. All papers must engage with body technics. Not all papers need to engage with the Olympics or Paralympics. All papers must make important contributions to the scholarly understanding of body technics in martial arts and combat sports, whether theoretical or practical, bioscientific, physiological, medical, social, cultural, historical, etc.
Abstracts and papers can be submitted in French, English or Spanish.
NB: Oral presentations may be in any one of the three official languages of the conference. However, your Presentation Slides (e.g. Powerpoint, Keynote, Prezi, etc.) must include keywords and as much guidance as possible in at least one of the other two conference languages.
Submit a Proposal
[en français | en español]
Please submit one Word document in French, English, or Spanish, to: contact@jorrescam.com
Please include:
- Title of presentation
- Presenter(s) Name(s)
- Abstract: 200-300 words
- Bio of Presenter(s): 150 words
- Institutional Affiliation
- Short bibliography / key publications
- Contact email address
- Twitter (if used)
Deadline: 15th March 2023
Regular: €150
Student/unemployed/precarious/gig-economy: €25*
Further registration details will be announced as soon as possible. We anticipate that registration will open in March 2023.
*evidence required
Free auditors: The fee for « attendant (free auditors)” (accompanying persons, non-speakers) is 20 euros per day if they wish to have lunch at midday or 20 euros for the whole conference if they do not intend to have lunch with the group (please also register, same link, and specify by email the modality: contact@jorrescam.com).
Responsables du colloque
- Paul Bowman (Cardiff University, Professor)
- Jean-François Loudcher (Bordeaux University, Professor)
- Yannick Hernandez (Bordeaux Montaigne University, Assistant Lecturer)
Organizing Committee
- Paul Bowman (Cardiff University)
- Alexandre Chartier
- Yannick Hernandez (Bordeaux Montaigne University, UMR Passages CNRS 5319)
- Alfonso López Díaz de Durana (Technical University of Madrid, INEF)
- Pedro Jesús Jimenez Martin (Technical University of Madrid, ESHAFYD group, INEF)
- Jean-François Loudcher (Bordeaux University, LACES)
- Nathan Ruysschaert (Bordeaux University, Faculty of STAPS)
- Pauline Soulier (Bordeaux University, IRM, LACES)
- Cédric Terret (Bordeaux University, IMS)
- University of Bordeaux
- Bordeaux Montaigne University
- Cardiff University
- Faculty of STAPS (Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sport Activities) of University of Bordeaux
- LACES Laboratory UR 7437 (Laboratory Culture Education Society)
- Passages Laboratory (UMR CNRS 5319)
- IMS Laboratory (Integration: from Material to Systems) CNRS UMR 5218
- Martial Arts Studies Research Network
- ARRESCAM (Association de Recherche et de Réflexion sur les Sports de Combats et les Arts Martiaux Association Recherche en Sport de Combat et Arts Martiaux)
- JORRESCAM (Journées de Recherche et de Réflexion sur les Sports de Combats et les Arts Martiaux): https://jorrescam.wordpress.com
- Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (INEF) of the Technical University of Madrid
Scientific Committee
- Monica Aceti (Université de Strasbourg, France), Maître de conférences en STAPS, Lecturer
- Jean-Marc André (Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, IMS, France), Professeur des Universités, Professor
- Matthias Röhrig Assunção, Professor of Latin American History, Department of History University of Essex
- Paul Bowman (Cardiff University, UK), Professor of Cultural Studies, Deputy Head of School School of Journalism, Media & Culture Cardiff University
- Michel Brousse (Docteur en histoire du sport, PRAG, France)
- Alex Channon (University of Brighton), Principal Lecturer
- Jacques Crémieux (Université de Toulon, France), Professeur d’Université honoraire, Professor
- Aurélie Épron (Université de Lyon, L-VIS, France), Maîtresse de conférences, Lecturer
- María Merino Fernández (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Espagne), Enseignante-chercheuse, Lecturer
- Yannick Hernandez (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Passages UMR CNRS 5319, France), Maître de conférence, Lecturer
- Daniel Jaquet (EPFL, Lausanne) researcher @Laboratory of experimental museology, Switzerland
- Pedro Jesús Jiménez Martin (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Espagne), Profesor Titular de Universidad, Professor
- Alfonso López Díaz de Durana (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Espagne), Profesor doctor del INEF, Professor
- Fabienne Duteil-Ogata (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, ARTES, France), Maître de conférence, Lecturer
- Jean-François Loudcher (Université de Bordeaux, LACES, France), Professeur des universités, Professor
- Lauren Miller Griffith, (Texas Tech University, USA), Assistant professor of anthropology, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work
- Grégory Martin (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Passages, France), Docteur, Président Comité de Judo Gironde
- Bianca Miarka (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Full Professor
- Cédric Terret (Université de Bordeaux, IMS, France), Maître de conférence, Président de la FFSU
- Pascal Tozzi (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Passages UMR 5319, France) Professeur des Universités
Location & How to get here
UFSTAPS, 12 rue Camille Jullian, Pessac 33600
Amphi Rougier
Itinerary :
-From the railway station, a direct bus, number 10 or 35, leads you directly to the Sport faculty (get off à STAPS station)
-From the center, the tram B is direct (direction Pessac-Alouette or Pessac centre) : get off at Montaigne-Montesquieu station, then sport faculty is ten minutes walk
From now on, follow the news of the colloquium on this LinkedIn page (open access with and without account): https://fr.linkedin.com/company/mas-16jorrescam/