4th International Martial Arts Studies Conference

11-12 July 2018, Cardiff University (UK).

Bruce Lee’s Cultural Legacies

Bruce Lee died in July 1973, just days before the release of Enter the Dragon, a film that would catapult him to global fame. As we arrive at the 45th anniversary of this simultaneous arrival and departure in July 2018, the fourth annual martial arts studies conference seeks to explore and assess the impacts, legacies, effects and consequences of the images, ideas, films, programmes, writings, philosophies, choreographies and principles of Bruce Lee. The focus of this conference is not solely on his films and writings in isolation but rather on their impact in such contexts as: martial arts, popular culture, physical culture, film making, fight choreography, theatre, publishing, and of course gender, class, ethnicity and other aspects of identity ‘politics’, performance, or work. 

Registration for the conference is via Eventbrite. The conference will take place in Bute Building, Cardiff University, UK, on 11th and 12th July 2018. Upon registering for the conference you will be able to book affordable single occupancy rooms within Cardiff University’s Senghennydd Hall.

Click here to view or download the Conference Handbook

Conference Organisers: Paul Bowman and Kyle Barrowman.