What is Martial Arts Studies? (And Why Bruce Lee?)

Paul Bowman interviewed by Kung Fu Kingdom, July 2018

During the July 2018 Martial Arts Studies Conference, Professor Paul Bowman was interviewed by Ramon Yousouf from Kung Fu Kingdom (kungfukingdom.com).


Ramon asked questions about where his interest in working within martial arts studies came from, what kind of a field martial arts studies is, what the conferences have been like so far, and why the 2018 conference focused on Bruce Lee’s Cultural Legacies.

The 10 minute interview can be viewed here.

Other films, interviews and highlights from the 2018 conference can be also viewed at the Kung Fu Kingdom YouTube Channel, including an interview with conference keynote speaker, Bruce Lee biographer Matt Polly.


Keynote lectures and presentations from all previous Martial Arts Studies Conferences can be watched on the Martial Arts Studies YouTube Channel.