Without anxiety there is no fighting art: an explorative interview study with MACS teachers on anxiety

Dinah Kretschmer

Universität Bayreuth, Germany

Anxiety is a basic emotion and a warning signal in case of danger at the same time. Anxiety may lead to a wide range of reactions, for example fight, flight or freeze. Therefor it is an important emotion in Martial Arts and Combat Sports (MACS). In this presentation I like to show an overview of the results of an explorative interview study with MACS teachers. They shared their experiences about anxiety, anxious students and how they deal with anxiety in class. The interviews were conducted online or on site with teachers from different MACS (Aikido, Bagua, BJJ, German Jujutsu, Jodo, Judo, Kali, Karate, Kendo, Kickboxing, Koryu Bujutsu, Koryu Jujutsu, MMA, Shorinji Kempo, Taekwondo, Tai Chi Chuan, Weng Chun Kung Fu). Topics of the interview were: anxiety in general, how to recognise anxiety, how to deal with anxiety and the meaning of anxiety for MACS. In addition, all MACS teachers were asked to add topics with a connection between anxiety and MACS. These additional topics ranged from examination anxiety to the statement, that there would not be any fighting art without the emotion of anxiety.